World Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo Ink


The passion for drawing, tattooing and art in general, occurred in the early years of my life. I still remember when I was five, my knees on the chair to copy on a sheet, the legendary cover of my school notebook with over Grand “He Man”. Spend a few moments of my life next to my father, who was then a truck driver (drive a ‘car was his greatest passion) and watch him step by step drawing a truck with trailer, the tires, the details of the cabin … . They are great memories. From here it all started, the curiosity to draw everything from faces to landscapes, to the details of the eye, which is the highest expression of a face, the beauty of the human body, not to mention the techniques, pencil, chalk, watercolors , charcoal and technique that I prefer more: the oil painting. Becoming my profession, from the moment the dedication and commitment to grow artistically led me to achieve a high technical level. I could say that an artist actually does what it does, not because it sees it as a job but more than anything to the extreme passion that comes from within. It ‘a feeling that anyone who has within himself, should manifest themselves as communicating and telling a story, and if it did, would look bad for not being himself. My artistic experience began at age 14, I had a background very important due to the fact of having worked in an art studio still academic setting, as in Renaissance, it allowed me to learn about all of ‘ art and how to develop it to the fullest. The move to the tattoo initially was strong and impact in terms of mental and psychological, but I felt strong in the technical and artistic side to my cultural background. Now I’m a tattoo artist as well as a painter, and I must say that the two arts all ‘now I speak and exchange impressions and opinions abouthow one can grow the other. A ‘experience magnificent pass from hand to hand and from canvas to a person’s skin, opens completely new artistic visions. It ‘was in fact an important transition, change the media work, the painting allows you a lot of things and you do not have the difficulty of having the tight deadlines. On the skin, in addition to the difficulty in being firm and precise, we must also be able to give the best of themselves, in a limited time. The pain causes intolerance and impatience, and every person has a threshold very subjective. One of the positive things the tattoo has instead of paint, is the exchange of energy and passion that a tattoo can contain within itself, a world of a thousand meanings, an emotional one. For more tattooing a person, it represents a history that still lives and walks, because it will be the customer to tell the why and how of their tattoo.

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