World Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo Ink


I’m Debora Cherrys from Madrid, Spain. I’m 34 years old and I started tattooing 8 years ago. I was studying Arts at university and painting and drawing all my life. But when I met my husband Adri, he showed me the tattoo world and he taught me how to tattoo. We opened LA MUJER BARBUDA TATTOO SHOP in 2015 and last year we moved to another tattoo shop bigger than the first one. My style is Neo-traditional with color but I love many styles and for this reason I always try to mix different techniques on my tattoos. I try to be original and creative with my designs and actually I’m working on surrealistic neo traditional tattoos, like my broken female faces. I love travel and tattoo conventions and during these years I traveled around the world mixing my two passions: tattoos and travels. I met many interesting people, new friends and great artists and I couldn’t be more happy and proud of that. Thanks to all the people who believe in me, who helps me to grow up during this years, and to my World Famous Family to trust in me like a daughter.

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