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I’m from Slovakia, Bratislava city. I started with tattooing at the age of 31. Before that I had a completely different job, not connected with the art of tattooing at all. One day I said to myself, that I should try it. I had one friend, who was working as a tattoo artist for many years and he gave me the first know-how about tattoo. After a while I was able to work in a studio with my friends. Then after one year and half I got another offer from my friend to come to work to Portugal. Since then I am working at Piranha Tattoo Studio. A Few times in a year I go to make some guest spots in other studios. At this moment I am trying to perfect my black and gray work as much as I can because there is always something new that I learn every day. I have met also many great artists who gave me lot of inspiration and advice on how to make my work better and better. I also started to study color work to understand colors and at this moment I’m painting as the best way to learn it. I would like to reach the point that my color work will be as good as my black and gray work. I am putting importance on details in my work and also private life. I like that in tattooing that I can always learn something new, there are endless possibilities and you can’t get bored of this job. Sometimes I feel sad that I can’t put on the skin everything that I am carrying in my head. At this time we are preparing a new studio with my friends in Slovakia. After a few years I would like to return home and continue my work there. I will have a chance to settle down with my future wife and daughter. I love my work, family and I am thankful that tattoos gave me a chance to live my life this way. Please enjoy my gallery below and feel free to also like my social media.

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