World Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo InkWorld Famous Tattoo Ink
Paul Vaughan

Paul Vaughan

Paul Vaughan has been tattooing for roughly 8 years and has loved anything to do with art since he was a young boy. He has always had a passion for learning new styles and techniques and anything to do with being able to be creative. When he was younger his favorite thing to do was graffiti and this helped him to understand how to create flow, light sources and the fundamentals needed for tattooing. Paul then fell into the world of tattooing at around the age of 21 and has been tattooing ever since. A lot of people who know Paul.. know him for how indecisive he is with tattoo machines and his equipment.. but there is one thing for sure he has always stuck to using… which was one brand of ink… WORLD FAMOUS.

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