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Tomo Ikarashi

Tomo Ikarashi

I was born in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, in 1975. After graduating from the Design College in Niigata City, I began teaching myself tattooing before opening my own studio there in 2002. In 2009, I began an apprenticeship at the YELLOW BLAZE studio in Yokohama City, where I trained before opening my new studio, Silk Needle Tattoo, in my hometown of Nagaoka City in March 2015.

I strive to combine the worldview of Japanese painting and Ukiyo-e, a uniquely Japanese art form comprising the rules and traditions of Japanese carving. I aim to convey the charm of Japanese Tattooing that fascinated me with its unique expression. Each style of tattooing has countless expressions, but being Japanese, I have a passion for Irezumi, which is based on Japanese spirit, customs, and tradition. All in all, the art of tattooing has appealed to me throughout my life, and I would like to share my unique tattooing style with the rest of the world.

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